

Bir Bunnerheri Wildlife Sanctuary, in Punjab, is situated on the Patiala-Devigarh road, close to the Haryana border. It is about 15 km away from the city of Patiala.

Vegetation cover: arid mixed tropical deciduous forest
Trees: Dhak, Khair, Dholi, Jand, Arjun, Toon, Beri, Nara, Neem, Mesquite, Phalahi, Jamun, etc.
Kikar and Shisham trees grow abundantly in the sanctuary.

Hog Deer, Blue bull, Black Buck, Porcupine, Jungle Cat, Rhesus Monkey, Jackal, etc.

Avian Fauna
Grey and Black Partridges, Spotted Owlet, Rose Ringed Parakeet, Brahminy Myna, Jungle Babbler, Peafowl, etc.

Getting there
The closest airport to the sanctuary is at Chandigarh. The nearest railway and bus terminal to Bir Bunnerheri Wildlife Sanctuary is at Patiala. By road the sanctuary can be accessed from Ambala district near Haryana where there are plenty of bus facilities.

Tourist Information
Staying facilities within the sanctuary is very scanty. The tourists can find a range of rest houses and hotels near Patiala.
Shiv Mandir, Bahaduragh Fort, etc are some of famous places of interest that are located in the vicinity of the sanctuary. Summers are very hot in this area. Hence, tourists are advised to avoid visiting the sanctuary during the summer season.

Additional Information
Location: Bir Bunnerheri Wildlife Sanctuary, Patiala District, Punjab.
Area: nearly 662 hectares
Best visiting time: November to March
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