

Charilam Wildlife sanctuary is situated in the state of Tripura, to the south of the Agartala city. The sanctuary is located near the outskirt of the Bangladesh border.

Primarily semi-evergreen and wet mixed deciduous forest

Pharyre’s leaf monkey, Serow, Wild boars, Jungle cats, etc

Avian Fauna
Peafowl, Jungle Fowl, Sparrow, etc

Tourist Information
The incoming visitors to the sanctuary can find proper accommodation at the rest houses at Agartala with prior reservations. One can also opt to stay in different budget hotels and guest houses in the city. The best time to visit the sanctuary is the early morning hours. The ideal place to spot the birds and animals are near the water bodies of the sanctuary where they come to drink water. The visitors are not allowed to pluck flowers or leaves from the flora of the sanctuary. Always follow the designated trail so that you do not get lost in the forest. Avoid buying products made from endangered plants and animals from any individual in and around the sanctuary.

The tourists are expected to respect the privacy of the wildlife and not to disturb or agitate them in any manner. Hunting, making loud noises, carrying weapons or inflammable items, drinking alcohol and carrying pets inside the sanctuary are strictly prohibited. No one is allowed to enter the forest reserve after the sunset. For any arrangement or information the tourists can contact the Wildlife Warden, stationed at Agartala, who is in-charge of the Charilam sanctuary.

Additional Information
Address: Charilam Wildlife sanctuary, Uttar Charilam, Tripura
Area: 13 sq km
Ideal months to visit: February to April and October to November
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