

Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary is located in the Little Rann of Kutch in Gujarat, in the proximity of the Arabian Sea. It is believed to be the largest wildlife sanctuary in India and also the last habitat of the Indian wild ass (khur or ghudkar in local dialect). It was established in the 1972.

Forest type: Grasslands known as baits are prominent vegetation cover.
Flora species: khijdo, Morad, theg, akado, kheri pilu, kerdo, dolari and so on.

Flagship species: Indian Wild Ass
Other species: antelopes, desert fox, wolves, jackals, Chinkara, hedgehog, blue bulls, jungle cats, etc.

Avian Fauna
Bustard, babblers, plovers, coursers, shrikes, grouse, falcons and many more.

Getting there
Halvad, located about 22 km away, is the nearest town to the Indian Wild Ass sanctuary. The closest bus terminal is at Dhrangadhra (about 16 km away). The nearest airports are at Ahmedabad (nearly 105 km) and Rajkot (about 140 km). The closest railway stations are at Dhrangadhra (22 km), Ahmedabad (100 km) and Rajkot (140 km).

Tourist Information
There are suitable staying options within the sanctuary. The visitors who wish to stay overnight can stay with the Bharwad and Rabari tribes. Certain tour operators organize tented camps for the tourists. Tourists who prefer to make one-day trip to visit the sanctuary can stay at the government rest house in Dhrangadhra. They also have different staying options at Ahmedabad.
Aadeshwar, Bajana and Jinjhwada are the three entry points to the Wild Ass Sanctuary. Out of the three, Bajana is better. One can find handful restaurants just outside the forest reserve serving basic vegetarian meals.
Minibus, jeep and camel safaris are allowed inside the forest. It is mandatory for each safari group to be accompanied by experienced guide.

Additional Information
Indian Wild Ass sanctuary, Mayurnagar Halwad Road, Dhrangadhra, Surendra Nagar, Gujarat
Area: 4954 sq km
Best visiting season: November-March.
Closed: June to October (monsoon season)
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