Jesus Christ - The Son of God (Class 6)
Jesus Christ is an important figure in Christianity. The Christians believe that he is the incarnation of Son
of God. He is believed to be one of the three divine persons of the Holy Trinity, the other two being God
the Father himself and the Holy Spirit. However, certain groups of Christians totally or partially refute
this belief.
The four canonical gospels are quite helpful for the scholars in reconstructing the life of Jesus Christ. It is
believed that Jesus was born of Mary, who was a virgin herself, through some divine mystic power.
Joseph was his step father. He performed many miracles and wonders and preached repentance from
sinful state to the people. He used to visit from place to place to reach out to different masses of people.
Some scholars also consider the apocryphal texts like the St. Thomas Gospel and the Gospel of the
Hebrews quite relevant in ascertaining the life of Jesus. The Christians believe that he was killed by being
crucified on the cross by the Roman Empire for creating an uproar and revelation among the people.
However, God raised Jesus up from his death after three days. This day is referred by the Christians as
Easter Sunday and the Day when he was killed is referred to as Good Friday. The birthday of Jesus Christ
is celebrated on 25 th December, as the Christmas Day.
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