

Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Akola district of Maharashtra in the Vidarbha region. It was established in the year 1988. Major part of the sanctuary lies in the catchment area of the Katepurna reservoir. Due to the presence of large amount of water, the Katepurna sanctuary has became a popular haven of different species of avian fauna.

Flora Vegetation cover: mostly southern tropical dry deciduous forest Major species: Dhawada, Bahada, Tendu, Moha, Salai, Aola, Khair, Teude, etc.

Flagship species: barking deer and four-horned antelope.
Other species: leopard, black buck, wild boar, wolf, nilgai, monkey, jungle cat, hare, hyena, etc.

Avian Fauna
Peafowl, woodpecker, eagles, jungle fowl and several species of wetland and grassland birds.

Getting There
The nearest bus and railway terminals to sanctuary are situated at Akola city, which is about 40km away. The nearest airport to Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary is at Sonegaon in Nagpur, about 292km away.

Tourist Information
There are no staying options in and around the sanctuary. However, different budget hotels and guesthouses are available at Akola. Tourists can plan a day trip to the sanctuary from Akola city. Carry enough provisions for food and water while visiting the reserve. Avoid wearing strong perfumes and flashy coloured clothes as it can agitate the wild animals. Wear light-cotton, olive or khaki clothes. Avoid visiting the reserve during the monsoon season as heavy rain and storm can ruin your fun filled trip to the forest.
Bird watching, nature trail and nature photography are popular tourist pastimes here. Maintain safe distance while viewing the wild animals and do not disturb or agitate them in any manner. Visitors are not allowed to cook, litter, drink alcohol and carry pets inside the sanctuary. Always remain alert and vigilant during your expedition to the sanctuary.

Additional information
Address: Katepurna Wildlife Sanctuary, Akola district, Maharashtra.
Ideal time to visit: October to June

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