

Khijadia Bird Sanctuary is situated in Gujarat on the southern coast of Gulf of Kutch, about 10km from the Jamnagar city. The sanctuary is home to about 220 different bird species and around 300 species of migratory birds.

Notification : Wildlife sanctuary: 1981

Trees: gando baval, piloo, deshi baval, etc.
Under water plants: Tape grass, Water Thyme, etc.
Aquatic vegetations: Kans grass, Scripus sp., Elephant grass, etc.

Jackal, blue bull, jungle cat, mongoose, etc.

Avian Fauna
Dalmatian pelican, Asian openbill stork, Darter, Black-headed ibis, Pallas’s fish eagle, Eurasian spoonbill, Pallid harrier, Herons, Cormorants, Indian skimmer, Coots, Osprey etc. Getting there

The nearest railheads are located at Hapa (5km) and Jamnagar (10km). The closest airports are located at Jamnagar (around 15km) and Ahmedabad (about 350km). The closest bus terminal to Khijadia Bird Sanctuary is also in Jamnagar.

Tourist Information Different hotels, resorts and guest houses are available for accommodation at Jamnagar. Bird watching is the major tourist activities here. Sunrise and sunset are the best time to spot the birds. While going for bird spotting, always carry a bird guide book to easily identify different species of resident and migratory birds of the sanctuary.

Marine National Park and Narara (approx. 60km away from Jamnagar) are popular places of interest around this bird haven.

Additional Information
Location: Khijadia Bird Sanctuary, Jamnagar district, Gujarat
Contact: Deputy Conservator of Forests, Marine National Park
Area: 6.05 sq km approximately
Ideal visiting time: October to March
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