

Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in Jharkhand along the borders of the forests of Gaya district of Bihar. It was established as wildlife sanctuary in 1985 and is currently under the administration of the Wild Life Division, Hazaribagh.

Forest type: Arid deciduous sal forest, thorn forest and mixed deciduous forest.
Major trees: Sal, Samhar, Bija, Khair, Palash, Arjun, Bair, Kaj, Karam, Mahulan, Mahua, Kend, Karanj, Ratti, Salai, Semal and Siris.

Leopard, Sambhar, Sloth Bear, Cheetal, Hyena, Barking Deer, Jackal, Nilgai, Wolf, Antelope, Wild Boar, Elephant, Porcupine, Cobra, Python, Krait, etc

Avian Fauna
Crested Serpent Eagle, Indian Grey Hornbill, Bulbul, Rose Ringed Parakeet, Small Green Bee-eater, Golden Oriole, Magpie Robin, Quill, Partridge, Peacock and Grey Tit

How to Reach There
The closest airport to Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary is situated at Ranchi, about 170 km away. The nearest railway terminal is at Koderma, about 10 km away. Koderma Sanctuary is situated about 35 km away from NH 31 (Ranchi-Patna highway) and can be easily approached by roadways from different parts of the state.

Tourist Information
Tourists can find comfortable staying facilities in the forest rest house and circuit house at Koderma with prior reservation with the forest officials. Bird watching, nature trail and nature photography are main activities of the visitors in the sanctuary. A nature interpretation centre is also situated inside the wildlife sanctuary where the tourists can get valuable information about the wildlife and bio-diversity of the region.
Throwing stones, feeding, touching, chasing or annoying the wild animals and birds of the sanctuary are strictly prohibited. No one is allowed to enter the wildlife sanctuary after sunset. Avoid flash photography as it can disturb the animals and birds. Do not wear heavy perfumes as it will make your presence felt to the wild animals even from a distance. For any information or arrangement the tourists can contact the DFO, stationed at Hazaribagh.

Additional Information
Location: Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary, Koderma district, Jharkhand
Contact: DFO, Hazaribagh
Area: Approx. 150.62 sq. km.
Best time to visit: October to March
Timings: sunrise to sunset
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