

Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary is a small wildlife sanctuary nestled along the banks of River Mahananda in the State of West Bengal.

Notifications: Game Reserve: 1955; Wildlife Sanctuary: 1959

Forest type: riverine forest and dense mixed-wet forest.
Trees and plants: Sal, Teak, Shisu, Jarul Sisoo, Khayer, etc.
Flagship species: Royal Bengal Tiger and Indian Bison.
Other species: clouded leopard, spotted deer, lesser cats, barking deer, Himalayan black bear, elephants and others.
Avian Fauna
Warbler, Himalayan pied hornbill, fairy blue bird, thrush, minivet, roller, sunbird, babbler, swift, etc.

Getting there
The closest airport to the sanctuary is at Bagdogra, about 16km from Siliguri. The nearest railway station to Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary is the New Jalpaiguri (NJP) railway station. From Bagdogra airport and NJP station one can easily hire a private vehicle or a cab to reach the Latpanchar bungalow. From this bungalow the visitors have to walk along the forest trail.
Important advice: Firstly, always hire a sumo or similar big vehicle only to reach Latpanchar bungalow, as the road, especially the last stretch, is really bad (as on date of reporting).
Secondly, refrain from walking alone along the forest trail, as there may be wild elephants along the trails (especially during the winter season). Advised to walk the trails with forest guards.

Tourist Information
Two forest rest houses located deep inside the sanctuary at Sukna offer comfortable staying facilities against prior bookings with the forest department. Alternatively, the visitors can stay at the Latpanchar bungalow.
Jungle safaris, trekking, hiking and nature trail are major tourist activities here. Watchtowers, hides and glades located near the streams and saltlicks are ideal place to view the wildlife in their natural environment. Watch tower, situated close to the Gulma River is the best of the lot.

Additional Information
Location: Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, Darjeeling district, West Bengal.
Area: 159 sq km
Elevation: between 500ft (southern part) and 4,300ft (northern part)
Ideal time to visit: November to April
Closed: 15th June to 15th September
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