

Malvan Marine Sanctuary is situated at Malvan Taluka in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The sanctuary is one of the biologically richest regions in Maharashtra. It was established in the year 1987.

Forest type: mangroves, corals, seaweed and ocean anemones.
Trees: Palas, Awala, Teak, Shisam, Jamun, Neem, Kate sawar, Moha, Kadamba, Shirish, Mango, Ain, etc.

Marine species: pearl clams, mollusks, labeocalbasu, oysters, polychaetes, etc.
Mammals: Nilgai, Leopards, Barking Deer, Sambars, Wild Boars and others.

Avian Fauna
Egrets, water-fowl, plovers, terns, gulls, ducks, etc.

Getting there
The nearest airport is in Goa, about 145km away. The closest railway station is at Kudal, about 28km away, on the Mumbai-Goa line. The closest bus terminal is at Kolhapur, approximately 100km away. By road, Malvan Marine Sanctuary can be easily reached from Pune, Mumbai, Panaji and Kolhapur.

Tourist Information
The Forest Department’s Akeri Rest Houses can be availed for staying against prior bookings with Deputy Conservator of Forests, Sawantwadi. Alternatively one can choose to stay at the Government rest house at Malvan. Budget hotels and lodges are available for staying at Malvan.

The swamp region between Pongdam and Shahnahar barrage and the adjoining shallow waters of the lake are ideal places to spot ducks swimming in the water. The Sindhdurg Fort and the golden sandy beaches of Tarakali, Tondavali and Vengurala etc. are some of the popular tourist spots located in the vicinity of the sanctuary.

Additional Information
Location: Malvan Marine Sanctuary, Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra
Area: 29.22 sq km
Best time to visit: All year round
Timings: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
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