

Spread over an area of about 100 km 2 , Murlen National Park is situated in the Champhai district of Mizoram. It is in quite close proximity to the Chin Hills and is about 245 km away from Aizawl.

About the park
The region was declared a national park in the year 1991. The park is located in the hamlet of Saithuama Sailo, Chief of Hnahlan. The park is very dense and even on a very sunny day almost 1% of the sun rays manages to reach the forest ground. As such this region is compared to the Amazon forest in South America. A certain area of the park is referred to as ‘losing area of seven fellow-men’ (land of no return) as no sun’s ray can penetrate the area. The national park is also popularly referred to as ‘Virgin Forests of Chamdur’.

Scrub Jungles, sub-Montane forest and semi-Evergreen forest are important vegetation covers of the area. The prominent flora species that can be seen here are Arundinaria Callosa, Prunus Myrica, Rhododendron, Quercus, Betula Specie, Schima Wallichai, Arundinaria Callosa, Canes, Michelia Champaca and different types of orchids. Almost 35 Medicinal Plant species and 2 Bamboo species can be found here.

Murlen National Park is home to different animals which include Himalayan Black Bear, Leopard, Tiger, Sambar, Rhesus Macaque, Malayan Giant, Hoolock Gibbon, Barking Deer, Serow, barking deer, Malayan giant squirrel and many more.

Avian fauna
Different colourful and rare bird species that can be sighted here are Hill Myna, Kallej Pheasant, Common Patridges, Hume's Pheasant and Dark Rumped Swift.

How to get there
Nearby railway station is the Silchar station and the closest airport is at Lengpui. Tourists can also avail bus services from Rabung which is the nearest town to the park.

General Information
The visitors can find quality lodging facilities in the Inspection hut located at Rabung Range H.Q. Other accommodation options are available at Chaltlang, Aizawl and Khatla.

Tourist information
Murlen National Park, Champhai, Mizoram, India.
Ideal time to visit: October to March
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