

Spread over an area of about 543 sq km, Panna National Park is situated in the Chhatarpur and Panna districts of Madhya Pradesh. The region is located approximately 57 km away from Khajuraho. The park was established in 1981 and was declared a Tiger reserve in the year 1994.

Dry mixed forest, dry Teak forest, open grasslands, riverines, open woodlands with thorny woodlands and tall grasses constitute the major vegetation covers of the park. The prominent tree species here are axlewood (Anogeissus latifolia), Butter tree (Madhuca indica), cheronjee (buchanania latifolia), Teak (Tectona grandis), Jhingam (Lannea coromandelica), etc.

Animals such as tiger, sambar, sloth bear, chital, leopard, hyena, chinkara, wolf, nilgai, chowsingha, etc. inhabit in this reserve. Reptiles like python, long snouted gharial and crocodile can be sighted in the Ken River that flows through the park.

Avian fauna
The important bird species of the park are king vulture, slaty headed scimitar babbler, honey buzzard, blossom headed parakeet, bareheaded goose, paradise flycatcher, etc.

How to reach
The nearest bus terminals are at Madla (approximately 24 km away) and at Panna. The nearby airport is at Khajuraho, which is around 57 km away from the park. The closest railway station is at Satna (about 90 km away).

Tourist information
Hinauta and Madla are the two entry gates to Panna National Park. Accommodation available at the tourist lodges located at Madla and Hinauta against prior booking.
Rajgarh Palace and Pandav falls are two popular tourist spots located in the region. No vehicles are provided by the park authorities. So the visitors have to arrange for their own jeeps for safari rides. The boat safaris that are organized by the authorities are the best way to view the water predators of the park. Feeding of animals and littering within the reserve are strictly prohibited.

General information
Panna National Park, NH 75, Panna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Appropriate time to visit: January to May
Park timings: 6:30 to 10:30 am & 2:30 to 5:30 pm
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