

Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh, close to the Bandhavgarh National Park and Khajuraho town (about 20km away). It was established in the year 1983.

Sal, Dhawda, Bija, Khair, saja, Bel, Tendu, Mahua, Bamboo, Acacia, etc.

Blue bull, Sambar, Tiger, Chousingha, Panthers, Chital, Bear, Jackal, Porcupine, Wild dog and others.

Getting there
The closest bus terminal and railhead are located at Umaria. Khajuraho is the nearest airport to Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary.

Tourist Information
Two Private Lodges at Bandhavgarh and a Forest Rest House at Tala offer quality staying options to the incoming tourists. Prior booking has to be done for accommodation with The Field Director, Bandhavgarh National Park, stationed at Umaria.
The tourists need to obtain a permit from the forest authorities for entering the park. Four-wheeled vehicles are the best way to explore the sanctuary. Petrol or diesel four-wheelers that are less than five years old are only allowed for the safari rides. Trekking, bird spotting and safari rides are important activities of the visitors. Remember not to distract the wildlife by teasing, blowing horns, flash photography or by playing loud music. Always respect the privacy of the wild animals and keep safe distance from them.
Bandhavgarh Fort, Bandhavgarh National Park, Khajuraho temple, Shesh Shaiya Temple and Laxman Temple are some popular places of interest around the sanctuary that are worth visiting.

Additional Information
Location: Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh
Area: 249 sq km
Best time to visit: November to June
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