

Phen wildlife sanctuary is located in Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, North-East of Kanha National Park. It is often referred to as mini satellite core of Kanha. It was established in 1983. The sanctuary is currently under the direct supervision and management of officials of Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Teak, Sal, Aonla, Saja, Tendu, Bel, Jamun, Bamboo, etc.

Tiger, Cheetal, Leopard, Sambhar, Wild boar, Blue bull, Fox, Hyena, Jackal, etc.

Avian Fauna
The sanctuary is home to almost 200 different species of birds, which include jungle fowl, peafowl, myana, owl, etc.

How To Reach
The closest railway stations to Phen wildlife sanctuary are located at Jabalpur and Balaghat. Nearest airport is situated at Jabalpur. The nearest major bus stands are located at Mandla and Balaghat.

Tourist Information
The visitors can find comfortable accommodation at the forest rest houses at Motinala and Mandla. It is always advisable for the tourists, who intend to stay overnight in and around the sanctuary, to carry mosquito coils/repellents.
Bird viewing, jeep safari and nature trail are major past times of the tourists here. Littering, drinking, playing loud music and carrying pets and weapons inside the sanctuary are strictly prohibited. Vehicles which are more than five years old are not allowed inside the sanctuary. During your trip to the forest reserve always remain alert and avoid listening to music on headphones. Always keep safe distance from the wild animals.
For reservation or any other arrangement and queries the tourist can contact the DFO East Mandla Forest Division. An excursion to this sanctuary can be planned along with the Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Additional Information
Address: Phen wildlife sanctuary, Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh
Area: 111 sq km
Ideal time to visit: November to June; Closed: During the monsoon months
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