

Spread over an area of about 6.14 sq km Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary is located at Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. It is situated at an altitude of about 290m above sea level. The sanctuary was set-up in the year 1988 for the conservation of the Lesser Florican and the Great Indian Bustard.

Flora Grassland ecosystem, thorny bushes and mixed forests are the primary vegetation cover of the region. The chief flora species are sunflower, tobacco and cotton.

Mammals: Black bucks, foxes, bonnet macaques, jackals, sloth bears, jungle cats, etc.
Reptiles: rattlesnakes, Russell’s viper, Indian cobra and many more.

Avian fauna Great Indian Bustard, Greater and lesser Flamingos, Indian rollers, Demoiselle cranes, Short- toed snake eagles, Bar-headed geese, etc.

Getting there
Nearest airport to Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary is at Hyderabad. Kurnool railway station located at a distance of 45 km is the closest railway station. Nearby bus terminal is at Nandikotkuru.

Tourist information
The visitors can find accommodation at the inspection bungalow at Nandikotkuru and forest rest house at Kurnool. Dry and hot climatic conditions prevail in this region. Hence the tourists are advised to wear light-cotton khaki clothes with grey or olive green shades. Swimming, littering and carrying plastic items, arms, weapons and inflammable items are strictly prohibited inside the sanctuary. Feeding, shouting and chasing wild animals can be dangerous.
Avoid using flash for photography, as sudden lighting up of the place may unease the wild animals. Always remain calm and patient and do not disturb the serenity of the forest.

General information
Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Average temperature: 28°C
Best time to visit: October to April
Timings: 7.00 am - 6.00 pm
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