

Situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Sardarpur Sanctuary is believed to be one of the last breeding grounds of the Kharmour bird or the Lesser Florican. It is for this reason this sanctuary is also referred to as Sardarpur Kharmour Sanctuary. The sanctuary comprises only 628.44 ha of forest land and 59 ha. of surrounding private agricultural land. These surrounding agricultural land are also a breeding ground of the floricans.

Notification: Wildlife sanctuary: 1983

Most part of the sanctuary is treeless and is primarily covered with different species of grassland. Grass species: Aristida funiculate, Heteropogon contortus, Apluda mutica, Cymbopogon martinii, Sehima nervosum and so on.
Tree species: Palash, Khjda, Teak, sal and Gunradi.

Cheetal, wild boar, monkey, deer, etc.

Avian Fauna
Flagship species: Lesser Florican
Other species: Peacock, wild pigeon, kingfisher, parrot, egret, heron, racket-tailed drongos, etc.

Getting there
The closest railway stations to Sardarpur Sanctuary are located at Ratlam and Indore. The nearest airport is at Indore. Nearest major bus terminals are located at Rajgarh, Sardarpur and Dhar.

Tourist Information
Accommodation facilities within the sanctuary are very scanty. The tourists can find standard staying options at Mandu, which is the closest tourist hub to the Khamour sanctuary. Trekking, safari rides, bird spotting and nature trail are popular tourist activities here. The visitors are advised to carry their provisions like food and water inside the forest.
There is a 30km long motorable road within this forest reserve. Four wheeler diesel or petrol vehicles that are not more than five-year old can be used for exploring the forest. There are almost 14 revenue villages located inside the sanctuary.

Additional Information
Location: Sardarpur Sanctuary, Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh
Area: 348 sq km
Best time to visit: July to October; Timings: 6 am to 6 pm
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