

Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Darjeeling District of West Bengal.

About the sanctuary
It was established in the year in 1915. Almost 60% of the sanctuary is man-made and the remaining 40% of the region is natural. Both the man-made and natural forest regions are wonderfully blended. The sanctuary has two lakes that form the chief drinking water sources for Darjeeling.

Notification : Wildlife sanctuary in 1976.

Flora Hemlock, Dhupi, Pipli, Kapasi, Buk, Mating bamboo, Pine, Oak, Birch, Orchids, Rhodendrons, Michelia and many more.

Leopard, Himalayan black bear, barking deer, wild pig, Common Rhesus Monkeys, Assam macaque, Himalayan flying squirrel, jungle cat and so on.

Avian Fauna
Red jungle fowl, babblers, emerald cuckoos, golden back woodpecker, black-backed pheasant, hornbills, etc.

Getting there
The nearest railhead is at Darjeeling. New Jalpaiguri railway station is the nearest railway station to Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary, about 70 km from Darjeeling. The closest major bus terminal is also at Darjeeling. Jeep services to the sanctuary are available from Darjeeling. The closest airport is at Bagdogra about 80 km away.

Tourist tips
Tourist lodges inside the sanctuary are available for accommodation. One can also halt at Rambi forest rest house, located inside the sanctuary. The tourists who wish to stay here will have to carry their own groceries for cooking. Visitors are advised to hire a private vehicle for visiting the sanctuary as getting a return transport is a problem. Camping and picnic is prohibited inside the sanctuary. Wear loose fitting attires so that you can easily move about in this hilly terrain. Engage official guide during the excursion and trekking and carry enough drinking water. Smoking and littering inside this place is strictly prohibited.

Additional information
Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary, Darjeeling district, West Bengal
Average temperature: 1.7°C to 18.9°C (winter) & 14.4°C to 18.9°C (summer)
Elevation: 1500-2600m above sea level; Area: approximately 38.6 sq km
Best time to visit: September to December and March to June
Closed: During monsoon season (June to mid-September)
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