

Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the north-eastern part of the Madhya Pradesh. It is named after the holy river Son that flows alongside the sanctuary. The sanctuary was gazetted a wildlife sanctuary on 23 September, 1981. The sanctuary extends from Bansagar dam site to Piparghar village in Madhya Pradesh.

Forest type: Teak and Sal forests.
Tree species: Teak, Sal, Tendu, etc.
Major medicinal species: golden apple, lipstick tree, neem, satawari, aloe indica, tamarind, golden shower tree, etc.

Gharials, Crocodiles and Tortoises

Avian Fauna
Indian Skimmer, River Tern, Black Bellied Tern, Red-naped Ibis, Black-headed Ibis, Black-necked Stork, Common Merganser, and Comb Duck

How To Reach There
The closest airport to Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary is at Banaras. The nearest railhead is at Rewa (80km away). The closest bus stop is at Sidhi. The sanctuary can also be easily approached by roadway from Mirzapur and Bhandhavgarh.

Tourist Information
Forest Rest house at Sidhi offers comfortable staying facilities to the incoming tourists. If you are willing to stay overnight, then it is always advisable to carry mosquito repellants and necessary medicines along with you. Bird watching, jeep safari rides, nature trail and photography are major past times of the visitors in the region.

No vehicles are provided for safari rides inside Son Gharial Sanctuary. Therefore, the visitors will have to arrange a car of their own for safari rides from outside. Any petrol or diesel four-wheelers that are more than five years old are not allowed inside the sanctuary. Driving after sunset is not allowed inside the sanctuary. The wetlands in the sanctuary are the lifeline of the wildlife. So take care not to pollute them in any manner.

The visitors can visit the Sanjay National Park at Sidhi, which is an important tourist spot located near Son Gharial Sanctuary.

Additional Information
Address: Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh
Area: about 41.80 sq. km.
Ideal time to visit: July to March
Timing: sunrise to sunset
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