

Sundarban National Park is located in the South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. Presently it is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

About the park
This national park is a part of the Sundarban area that stretches over the Indian and Bangladeshi territory. It was previously declared a tiger reserve in 1973 and a wildlife sanctuary in 1977. In 1984 it was acknowledged as a national park.

The Sundari Trees are the prominent tree species of the region. The park derives its name from this tree. Major portion of the reserve is covered with mangrove forests.

The reserve is one of the largest and safest havens for the Royal Bengal Tigers. The other animal species here consist of Tigers, Macaques, Pangolin, Saltwater Crocodiles, Bull-sharks, King Cobras, Dog Faced Water Snakes, Pythons, Flying Fox, etc.

Avian Fauna
Open bill storks, Marsh Harriers, White-eyed Pochards, Rose Ringed Parakeets, Jungle Babblers, Seagulls, etc. are the prominent avian fauna species of the region.

Tourist information
Forest rest-houses and Forest lodges at Sajnekhali, Piyali, Bakkhali and Jemspur are available for accommodation with prior booking. One can also stay in camps, located on Dayapur Island and on Bali Island. House-boats also provide unique lodging experiences.
Sajnekhali is the actual entrance to the park where entry fees are paid and permits obtained. The other entrance to the park is Godhkhali. The foreign nationals have to secure a special permit for entering Sundarban National Park.
Boat safaris are the only way to access the park. The park is a no plastic zone. So tourists are expected not to litter the reserve with unused or used plastic items.

Getting there
The nearest airport is at Kolkata (140 km away). Canning Railway station is the nearest railhead, situated about 29 km away from Godhkhali entrance. From Kolkata one can reach the park by road via Kolkata - Basanti High way.

General information
Sundarban National Park, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India.
Ideal time to visit: December to February
Park timings: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
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