

Van Vihar is situated in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. It is spread over an area of about 445 hectare.

About the park
The park was set-up in 1980 and was declared a national park in the year 1983. Even though it is a national park, it is developed and run as a medium-size zoo as per the norms of the Central Zoo Authority. Unlike the other national parks, the herbivores animals here move around freely. Whereas the carnivorous animals are kept captive within enclosures to safeguard them from poachers.

The prominent tree species of the park include Kardhai, Teak, Tendu, Kush, Rusa, Gomachi, Bangoon Creeper, Amarbel, etc.

The captive carnivorous animals of the park are panther, lion, tiger, crocodiles, snakes, python, etc. Cheetal, sambhar, blue bull, blackbuck, etc. are herbivorous animals that roam freely inside the park.

Avian Fauna
The park is home to some of the rarest and endangered bird species which include brown headed stork, white stork, black capped kingfisher, spotbill, cotton teal, spoonbill, barheaded goose, red crested pochard, common pariah kite, tawny eagle, great horned owl, kestrel, etc.

How to reach
The nearest airport, railway station and bus terminal to the park are located in Bhopal. Regular bus and taxi services are available from Bhopal to Van Vihar.

Tourist information
The park is under the administration of the Forest Department of Madhya Pradesh. At present, it serves as the green lungs of Bhopal. The area has been transformed into a haven of greenery with the constant efforts of the park management.
Bicycle safari rides are quite popular tourist activities in the park. The visitors can rent bicycles inside the park at the entrance point.

General information
Van Vihar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Ideal time to visit: July to September Park timings: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm (April to September) & 8am to 6pm (October to March)
Closed: on Fridays.
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