

Writing as a hobby is one of the fruitful pastimes for the children. It is an effective means of self- expression for the children. They can explicitly express many untold things through their writings without facing the crowd.

Writing is all about creativity and there are no fixed rules or formula for it. Inspiration for writing can be acquired only when you start looking for the poetics and beauty in everyday moments and objects.

Different styles of writing works

Ideally there are four types of writing styles that are adopted by most writers. You can choose any of the styles of writing that you are most comfortable with. These are:

Narrative writing: in this style of writing, the writer narrates the story by placing himself or herself as the character.

Descriptive writing: in this form of writing, the writer describes in great detail an event, a place or a character.

Persuasive writing: in this writing style the writer tries to reason and justify the point that she or he is voicing about to the readers.

Expository writing: this writing style is basically subject-oriented in which the prime focus of the writer is to tell the readers, with relevant figures and facts, about a particular subject or topic.

Tips for writing
Writing as a hobby is an amazing and prolific experience. The following tips mentioned below enable you to take your hobby to great heights:
Avoid commanding and suggest instead
Refrain from using redundant sentences
Use certain humour to win your readers’ hearts
In order to be close to your readers always use the ‘your’ and not ‘our’
Build suspense in your writing and let them guess what will come next
Practice writing every day at least for 20 minutes
Use strong words to create strong impact and memory in the minds of the readers
Read other notable writers’ work to draw inspiration and writing ideas
Writing as a hobby will enable the children to bring out their oppressed opinion, language of beautiful mind and unexpressed emotions.
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